Ranma is back for his 22nd round of adventures!
-Ranma, on his way back from school, comes across a savagely beaten Ryoga and Mousse, who claim men with inhuman powers have taken Akane and Shampoo to The Cat Cafe. As they arrive, Ranma is just in time to catch Akane, who had just been flung across the room. A very dangerous guest is there; Herb, the leader of the Musk Dynasty (a warrior tribe with the powers and slight appearance of animals) from China. Ranma, angered with the way Akane had been treated, fights Herb and ends up getting wet, turning into a woman. Seeing this, Herb decides to punish Ranma by splashing a special water on him, which it turns out "locked" Ramna into this female form, possibly forever. If he wants the cure, he, Ryoga and Mousse must follow their new enemies to find it.