Paramount recently released a DVD set featuring Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas specials by Alvin and the Chipmunks. I shall review each disc as their respective holiday arrives.
Disc Three: Christmas
A young boy named Tommy is bed-ridden with a mysterious illness, and may not make it through the holidays. Meanwhile, Alvin and The Chipmunks are anxious and excited for the holidays, caught up in the festivities and consumerism. But when Alvin finds out about Tommy, he gives away his treasured "golden echo harmonica" so that Tommy might get better - and soon after finds out that during The Chipmunks upcoming performance at Carnegie Hall, he's been assigned a harmonica solo. Too afraid to tell Dave what he did, Alvin attempts to make quick cash and buy another one in time.
Also included are two episodes from the 80s TV series:
Merry Christmas, Mr. Carroll - Alvin is so caught up in researching what he wants for Christmas, he neglects his homework and paper route, among other things. An elderly neighbor, Mr. Carroll, is considered mean by Alvin for demanding timely delivery of his paper and not understanding his "important" Christmas dilemma. But when Alvin falls asleep while writing an essay at the last minute about holiday spirit, he may get the wake up call he badly needs.
Dave's Wonderful Life - Times are hard on Dave. His song writing is in a dry spell, his car is as good as dead, and his kids expect to go to a camp they can't afford this year. Believing the chipmunks are better off without him, Dave takes a nap and comes across a discovery he should've realized long ago.
As I said in my review for the Halloween and Thanksgiving disc, check this out if you're a Chipmunks fan and/or simply want to see the 80s show finally on DVD. The Christmas special is a classic and a definite mustsee for those looking to get into the spirit. The TV episodes aren't so bad and definitely tie in with the theme of the disc.
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