(まもって! ロリポップ) 2006
Nina has always dreamed of her ideal guy - strong, gentle, always willing to protect her. And by a completely odd twist of fate, she may've found two of them! After swallowing an object she thought was a complimentary sweet, two boys (and a flying car) drop out of the sky, asking her if she's seen an object known as the Crystal Pearl. The Crystal Pearl is a special, magical item needed by aspiring wizards in order to pass an exam. They must keep it and protect it for 6 months if they hope to do so, and because it's now inside Nina, Zero and Ichii (as they are known) decide to protect her for the duration.
Nina knows it probably won't be a good day when she awakens from a bad dream to see Zero sitting on her, in her bed. On the way to school (via the flying car) she is once again captured by San and Forte, only to crash to the ground from a rescue attempt on the behalf of Ichii. And just when she thinks she can breathe easy, because at least she's at peace at school, she comes to find that said protectors have transferred into her class! Ichii and Zero simply refuse to leave her side, going so far as to occupy any seating next to her, and carrying her by the arms from place to place. This causes quite a stir among her peers, especially the female ones. Rumors, such as engagement, shoot through the halls. Nina is quite miserable.

During all of this, San and Forte watch from a tree, and come up with the idea to disguise themselves as students (well, San does). They plan to confront Nina in the girls bathroom. Nina eventually ends up there in order to calm down - she almost fell down the stairs in a fit of frustration and anger, only to be saved by Ichii. She wonders if he is the shadow protecting her in the bad dream she'd had that morning. San and Forte enter, and Nina points out that Forte is a boy, leading to an angry mob chasing the magic examinees out.
But Nina isn't out of the clear. San takes the chaotic opportunity to chase her to the roof with her evil "Air Fish," however, Zero is soon there to save her. He injures himself in the process, declaring that he's decided to protect Nina. Ichii eventually shows up and their combined magic defeats the other magic team. All is well again, save for the property damage. At the end it is decided that Zero and Ichii will live in a conjured apartment, in her closet, in her room, to keep a watchful eye on things.

Urgh... so cheap, so cliche. Even the music has this kind of weird muffle to it. It could be the source that the fansubbers used, it could be how it is.
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