Thursday, December 27, 2007

Nintendo DS - Super Princess Peach


For Christmas I received a Nintendo DS, along with the game Super Princess Peach. I would've bought the system myself, just to be able to play this game. I was THAT curious. The tables have been turned? The Princess is doing the rescuing? Sign me up! Now that I've gotten a feel for how things are done in it, I'm writing my thoughts.

This is not as "easy" as some players make it out to be (or maybe I'm just slow and dumb). Though the places I've explored so far are rather simple in design, you still have to solve problems and know what "emotion" to use in order to say, get under a bridge or make a flower grow to climb up on. It's no easier than Yoshi's Island or Super Mario Bros.

It's also incredibly cute. Peach uses an umbrella (named Perry) to whack enemies, or absorb them to fuel her emotions for later use. You use the touch screen in order to channel one of these emotions - joy, rage, gloom, and calm. Before I had this, I assumed the "vibes" came from how she was doing. If, for example, she had been hit by one too many enemies, she would get angry or cry. This is not the case, as you are in control of how she is feeling at the moment.

If nothing else, it's a nice little change from the usual damsel-in-distress scenario that plagues so many of the Mario games - now it's the Princess' turn! I am a little annoyed by the "women are so emotional/girly" stereotype, but if you channel that away, it's still pretty fun. Guys should not be scared by the pinkness and the word "Princess" in the title. I think they could enjoy this, too.

Official English site:
Youtube search:

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