Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 73:
Kumoi-san gives them the benefit of figuring out that girls are interested in stepping outside the comfort zone and dressing as cute as an idol, but scolds them on their design sketches. It seems they still don't understand, and both Kirari and Hikaru are baffled and greatly discouraged. Hiroto and Seiji walk in on their misery party, and Hiroto offers to create one of the outfits. To really test out people's reactions, Kirari decides she will walk around (disguised, of course) outside. Seiji offers to come along, so naturally so does Hiroto and Hikaru. Despite running into trouble (Kirari's identity is revealed and people freak) they manage to find out that, while the outfit was nice, it wasn't an everyday thing. And if you take off the ribbons and lace, it's too ordinary to fit what Double Crescent is about. When one of the ribbons on Kirari's dress falls off, she gets an idea. But there's still trouble ahead when the delivery truck full of the product gets stuck on the road, and surely won't make it in time for the opening. Could the cold and calcuating "Black Wood" be behind it?

Episode 74:
KiraPika has been invited by a man named Gegishubeta to perform in a musical version of Hamlet, the first of its kind. Kirari will be Ophelia, Hikaru will be her sister, but neither have any previous experience with musicals. Not only that, they can't fit into their costumes, and "Beta" is a very strict director. Concerns arise over Kirari's unwillingness to change her excessive eating habits (along with her inability to get into character), but when she tries to cut back on meals she sees crepes everywhere and her stomache rumbling makes things worse. But if you can't take Kirari away from food, what can be done to motivate her?
Are you kidding me? If anything, Kirari could stand to gain a few pounds! Just call a taylor or something. Also, I want to know what the heck most of that musical had to do with Hamlet (at least from the whole two seconds of the play they showed us). Oh, and Kirari? We've been through the "It's really haaard for me to get into character! I don't know hoooow!" thing already. Seriously, you should have this mastered by now. Or do you have the memory of a half-eaten goldfish?! Not much to say about the store episode, it's all filler to me. Get back to what the anime was all about at first. Awkward learning and plenty of SHIPS x Kirari ;D