Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 65:
The lyrics for KiraPika's first song is ready, but not the melody. Giving the composer ("Kaba-san" as Kumoi-san calls him) some extra time to finish, Hikaru is asked to accompany Kirari on her several jobs for the day. Watching Kirari rush from job to job, clearly tired but acting happy and doing her best, the KiraPika partner appears in awe, and just when you think things will finally go smoothly, a wrench is thrown into the gear. No matter what, both girls can't seem to grasp the dance routine. As Kaba-san puts it, they are not radiating enough smiles and sparkles. If they can't become one and trust each other, everything will fail. Anxious for inspiration from her own senpais, SHIPS, she visits them during a practice, and, as it turns out, Hikaru came to visit, too. It's because of this that they come to a mutual understanding, and finally master the dance. But there's still a lot more to get through!

Episode 66:
Hikaru got her first batch of fan letters! Or, rather, a bunch of fan letters written by one person. No name or address was given, so the sender is very much unknown. But that's not her main concern at the moment - a very close friend of Hikaru's, named Wataru, never replied when she sent him a copy of KiraPika's debut CD as a present. Because they were always supporting the other's dream (Wataru wants to be a star soccer player) she is hurt and confused. Kirari insists they visit him and find out what's wrong. When he avoids them after soccer practice, Kirari follows and tries to get an explanation on his behavior. He pats Kirari on the shoulder, tells her he's leaving the support and friendship up to her, and runs off. Very strange, and what's even stranger is that Wataru's playing has been suffering at the same time (Kirari overhears his teammates talking). What is going on, and who sent those pink-enveloped letters?
It looks like they altered the opening a little, and I've come to find I actually like it. Everything looks a little smoother and less cheap. I can't say I care too much about this KiraPika deal (I'm bias and like lots of Kirari/SHIPS interaction ;D), but the "Hutari wa NS" song is quite pretty.
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