First let me say that I'm a big Futurama fan. I have all the TV sets, some of the comics, and a few other oddandends.
WARNING, SPOILERS BELOW! If you haven't seen the movie yet, or don't want to be spoiled, please don't read!
1. What the heck happened to continuity? Apparently Leela and Fry have completely forgotten about the Lars drama from the last movie and we're back at square one again (or, really, nothing at all). Fry is dating another woman, and Leela shows absolutely no emotion or any kind of jealous reaction towards it. So, the fact that Lars was Fry and you claimed he was the only man you'd ever love meant nothing? You know, if he married that girl, future-mature Fry whom you madly loved would not be yours. Ever think of that?
2. And Fry, what about you? In Big Score you were desperate to win Leela's heart. After you broke up with Colleen I assumed you'd go right back to that, like always. No, it didn't even occur to you. You just put on a space suit and left the universe. If he was going to drop Leela cold turkey, at least tell us why! Give us a backstory or something.
3. Despite the fact that Nibbler was freaking out at the end of Big Score, and there came a huge rift in the space-time continuum in the sky, it took them weeks before they even started to investigate it. I don't know, you'd think something like a large, potentially deadly hole in the sky would go to the top of the "to fix" list. Besides which, Leela didn't seem to care or notice that Nibbler had run away. Isn't he supposed to be her beloved, spoiled pet?
4. We have some kind of creepy "lonely" monster who suddenly decided he was going to mate with everyone on Earth literally behind their backs. Then when everyone found out what was REALLY happening, he says they should all be friends, sends them giant flowers and candy, and DATES everyone on Earth? The hell?! That's not funny, that's just incredibly weird and skeezy :/
Granted, there was some really funny stuff in there, and I enjoyed it a lot for the first half hour or so, but towards the end I was actually FForwarding. It was all "Shouldn't it be done?". The Bender and robot league thing got boring fast and I think it was just an excuse to give him more air time. It was rather pointless.
I'm not saying Futurama can't be too weird or too serious - they've done both in the past, and done it well (I still can't rewatch Jurassic Bark to this day because it made me cry for days). But this just isn't what I expect from this show, and I'm both saddened and disappointed. I hope the last two movies will be better :(
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