Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 59:
So, will Kirari have to quit and stop talking to Hiroto? It looks possible, after she finds that someone has markered up the yukata she must wear in the contest. Only momentarily discouraged, she takes a bunch of children's yukatas, and with the help of expert sewer Hiroto, Kirari manages to make an outfit fresh, stylish, and creative. The audience loves it, but Izumi, who scored one vote less than her, argues that the "yukata" is not traditional and she should be disqualified from winning.

Episode 60:
The chairman meets up with Kumoi-san and Kirari, armed with a helicopter and in an absolute panic. "Professor Pegasus" (yeah, I don't know) says that the fate of the entire planet could be in Kirari's hands. She is humanity's savior. But Erina, who grabbed on to the helicopter as it was leaving and later crawled inside, doesn't want her star power outdone. The chairman crypticly says that it's probably better with two people, and enlists the other idol as well. What have they been asked to do? Ride in a spaceship (called the "Unlimited") and cool the sun down. Their method? Dancing and singing!
Because Izumi scored lower than Kirari, and Fubuki came in at the last minute and beat them both, the bet is off. Not only that, but because the pink-haired spaz couldn't defeat Kirari, she obviously doesn't live up to what she said she would do. Now Higashiyama is very unlikely to consider any employment. Well, it's not just that - Izumi is a boy. Yes, that's right. Izumi tripped and knocked off his wig, also revealing a very-much-a-boy chest. His name is Hyotarou, and he is Hiroto's childhood friend. Not only does he have a crush on the SHIPS member, Hyotarou claims they both made a promise years ago that someday he and Hiroto would work together in the idol business. Oy.
Eheh, I think this is one of my favorite filler episodes (at least for this show). The whole thing seemed really fishy throughout - if Earth was really in trouble, why would they enlist an unqualified 14-year-old celebrity with the task? Why would plate-spinning be a part of the training? What the hell good would singing do?! I was so sure they'd pull the "global warming" or "recycling" message out of the bag at some point. Like, "Actually, Kirari, singing won't save the Earth. It's up to all of us" or something. But awww, if the Kirari and Erina friendship moments weren't darn cute (I think Erina still wouldn't call them that, though). Can't believe neither of them caught on.
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