The Ranma 1/2 gang is marooned on a mysterious island when, one by one, the women of the group go missing - a small peach is always left behind where the stolen person was last seen. Prince Toma, as young as he is arrogant, is kidnapping women from miles around in search for potential brides who must battle it out in absurd ways to win his favor. It seems that the island, here called the Kingdom of Togenkyo, has a severe lack of females. Because of a cursed spring around the area, only male babies are born, so this is what they have to do in order to reach the next generation. When Ranma and the other "cursed" men find out about it, they simply have to get their hands on it. Our lucky lead must then both disguise himself as a bridal candidate to save the girls and get a drop of that infamous water at the same time. Wackiness ensues.
I wanted to like this movie, but I think it's one big Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue. Seriously, it was all boob jiggles and skimpy outfits through the whole thing, to the point where I just wanted to hit stop and discontinue watching it altogether. You might make fun of me or think I'm crazy, but this is the most disappointing (and a little infuriating) Ranma media I've ever watched. Girls, where is your pride? Were you really going to get yourself snatched away and fight for the "honor" of being some jerk's little wife while dressed in something that's so small you might as well be naked? Yes, I realize that the women of the show (and anime in general), Akane in particular, need to be rescued a lot, but this was ridiculous. There were a few cute Akane/Ranma moments (particularly at the end), but that wasn't enough to save it for me.

If you're new to Ranma 1/2, I wouldn't recommend watching this first. Watch the first one, or the TV series. This is probably most appealing to teenage boys, who I suspect won't have much of anything to object to XP And if you're a big fan and simply have to see EVERYTHING Rumiko Takahashi has to offer for this series, by all means, have a sit down. It'll probably make for some interesting summer entertainment!
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