Monday, July 7, 2008

My "The Secret Show" Site


Please check out my new site dedicated to this wonderfully clever and funny British cartoon. It's supposed to be for kids, but when has that ever stopped me?

Keywords: Anita Knight, Victor Volt, U.Z.Z., Doctor Doctor, Professor Professor, The Secret Show

So far I have episode information, character profiles, message board icons, and more. I'll update whenever I can, but the fanbase is very small, practically non-existant, so new stuff won't be easy to find.

As a side note, here are the pairings I support: Lucy x Changed Daily, Victor x Anita, Professor Professor x Doctor Doctor


sbobet said...

very similar. IE as a % site speed isn't making a difference

Wikanrol Girls said...

I'm fan of the secret show, and I can of this. Sorry if you don't can understand me well, because I'm spanish ^^U