Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 81:
The eccentric toy designer, Shouta Bashi Hakasei, saw a TV special starring Naa-san and Nayan, and Dorimu Toys (where he works) requests Naa-san come and be their model for a revolutionary new robot. But something goes wrong during the data transfer, Naa-san becomes ill, and the Naa-san robots are simply too perfect to be, well... perfect.

Episode 82:
Hiroto's absense in SHIPS is starting to punch its hole in their career. Seiji is very limited in what he can do, and everybody says they miss seeing them perform together. While Kirari tackles her latest job, designing men's clothing for world famous designer Sharon Laika, poor Seiji is left alone and likely restless - despite this, he still refuses to sing without Hiroto. If they don't keep him in the public eye, more damage is bound to occur.
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