My thoughts:
-The performances felt wooden and awkward. Where was the passion from times gone by?
-The Swedish Chef spoke a full English sentence, and that upset me. He doesn't speak English! You aren't supposed to understand him - he's able to get the point across without language. You'd think Disney would know that at least.
-Where was Fozzie?! You can't have a Muppet special without him! I thought for sure when Ashley said she had a crush on him, he'd pop out or something.
-Where was the Muppet wackiness? I believe that would've helped. An over-the-top Gonzo stunt, banana cream pies, clucking chickens, bad Fozzie jokes, SOMETHING. Did they think kids wouldn't get it or something?
-It felt very disjointed and edited. Something wasn't right. It was also very short at a mere 20 minutes after 10+ minutes of commercials (or at least it felt that way) thrown in.
-Miss Piggy looked strange. I don't know exactly what it is, but she didn't look like herself.
But you know, I did laugh a few times. Rizzo and Pepe's "too cool" stunt at the beginning was funny. So was Miss Piggy's "It's a good thing she's rich" line. So yes, it did have its moments. But overall I found it rather forgetful and sad - however, if it brings in young and new Muppet fans, then at least something was achieved.
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