(きらりん☆レボリューション) 2006
Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).
Kirari and SHIPS have just wrapped up their special radio show, this time around featuring members of (real life) pop group C-ute. As Kirari enjoys a refreshing drink, she brings up the fact that her older brother will be home today. He's been in America for a year, studying to be an actor. Hiroto and Seiji are both shocked that she even had a sibling, and so she explains her family situation. It's just her, her dad, and Naa-san. Her grandma lives nearby, but her mom left when she was small. The reason wasn't given, but Kirari says that everything is fine, and excuses herself to go home.
When she gets to the gate in front of her home, a strange boy with blonde hair approaches her, dressed like a pizza delivery boy. He says it's just for her, but when she opens the box, a cat is inside, and there is no food to be found. Watching her confusion, he laughs and calls her a fool. Some random jerk? No - the pizza guy reveals himself to be her brother, Subaru (the car?). The cat is Subaru's pet, found in New York where he schools. His name is Mr. Na, which I can only assume is an American counterpart of Naa-san!

Absolutely thrilled to have his two children home, Kirari's dad prepares a feast of all their favorite dishes. While watching them eat, the adults (here meaning the dad and grandma) comment that Kirari and Subaru look identical when you put them next to each other. It's always been so - even in the way they eat and react. When the topic of life in America is brought up, Subaru brags (in a strained voice) that he was complimented by Steven Spielburg at an audition, which is met with great awe. Grandma interrupts to turn the TV on, revealing Kirari singing in one of her music videos. Subaru is absolutely struck with this. Since he wasn't in the country, he didn't know, and nobody had told him. Instead of feeling happy for his sister, he is frustrated and angry. How could his idiotic, pig-outing sister become an idol? That night he has Mr. Na steal her schedule book, and when he sees she's the real deal, he's furious. His dream was to debut in America, but he was kicked out of the school! And now SHE gets to be successful! How does that work? Recalling the dinner discussion about their near twin-ness, an idea is formed.
The next morning, Kirari wakes up and looks at her book. The hours of her planned activities are different, but she doesn't think much of it. Adding to this, her manager calls in sick, so if something was amiss, there won't be anyone to correct the changes and set her straight. With the supposed extra time, Kirari decides to do something for her brother. Meanwhile, Subaru has put on the finishing touches with his wig, makeup, and dress. Mr. Na has been dolled up to look like Naa-san. This impersonation thing should be a snap! The only little snaffu that occurs is Kirari turning the TV on. When she sees HERSELF on a LIVE broadcast, of course there is panic. Confronting her sibling at the studio leads to a high speed chase, ending with SHIPS spotting two Kiraris and a bucket of ice water.
The ice water that fell on the young idol makes her sick, and Subaru, SHIPS, and her dad are at her bedside. Subaru laments his guilt for being a lousy big brother and cries when they find what Kirari was making for him - a glittering crown, since he is her "Prince Subaru." Because she isn't well, unless she can really push herself, they'll have to cancel her Music Studio appearance. Subaru steps in and says he'll once again play the part - just leave it to him. They didn't count on the fact that Subaru had never heard any of her songs, and thus, couldn't sing. Pretending to be sick, he tries to get out of it, right onstage. The pain of possibly ruining his little sister's career causes him to cry, but the oblivious fans, believing the lie because of "her" deep voice, let things slide. Later, at the airport, Subaru puts on the little crown, and Kirari says she wants to perform with him someday.
How can a person get sick from a bucket of water falling on them?! I'm curious, because unless that water was SERIOUSLY cold, or it had some kind of weird thing in it, I don't see how that's possible. Anybody is free to correct me on this. At the very least, Subaru didn't come back dressed in a cowboy hat or Hawaiian shirt, saying random, strange English phrases. And Mr. Na didn't have a huge gaijin cat nose or something. So that's a step in the not typical direction ;D I don't know what I'm saying, sorry.
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