Many years ago (I want to say 8 or more) I discovered the world of Wedding Peach. Before watching a single minute of the show, all I'd known were a few random pictures of a perky looking, pink-haired girl and her friends in wedding dresses. Because I am a sucker for cutesy stuff like this, especially in the shoujo genre, I was very happy when I finally got ahold of some episodes.
I guess I'm just a bitter single woman, or a prude. Because, boy, was I disappointed.
The obsession with getting married and getting a boyfriend got on my nerves real fast. In one episode a girl is trying to lose weight and change herself just so she can nab a love. Yes, I know the theme is all about the ROMANCE and MARRIAGE (how can it not be when Aphrodite makes an appearance?), but really ladies, there is more to life than dating and "finally" wearing a flowing dress of romance. If your biggest aspiration is to be a "beautiful bride" someday (nevermind a career or something), all I can do is shake my head. The flowery mush was thrown at me so many times I got sick of it. In other series I've watched, while the desire to have a first kiss, find true love, etc. is usually there (which I can't say I mind), I guess there was so much of it here it was overwhelming for me.
I must've tried watching up to episode 20 six times, so it's not as if I didn't give it a chance. I had a friend watch it with me, and even she thought it was all too much. There is a fandom for this show, though, and most of the reviews I come across are positive. I guess I'm in the minority here. And I really want to like this show, because I adore shoujo and I'm willing to give whatever I find a whirl. This, however, has not made the grade so far.
This post was inspired by an old promotion video for the music group, FURIL. FURIL basically consisted of the voice actresses for Momoko, Yuri and Hinagiku. They released a special album and I guess they did a concert or two as well. I saw this on one of my old fansub tapes a long time ago, so finding it on Youtube today made me feel nostalgic.
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