(アルプスの少女ハイジ) 1974
Awaking to her first real day in her new home, Heidi is offered the chance to go with Peter and the goats for the day. She's focused on picking flowers for her bed, but Peter (on a schedule of sorts) promises once they reach the peak, there will be cute things and even a "horned lord" (which turns out to be a mountain goat) to discover to hurry her along.
When they get there, Peter is tired from waking up extra early, and settles down for a nap. But little Heidi is anxious to see these creatures he was talking about, and wanders off on her own. She almost falls off a cliff while trying to spot a hawk, but Peter hears her desperate cries and a life is saved. They also enjoy a meal of cheese, meat, and milk (which Peter milks straight from the goats - and even sat under one to take a drink without a cup!), and Heidi begs him not to be too harsh with the animals when they do something bad (one of the young goats knows no fear, and almost fell off a cliff himself).

Our little orphan learned a great deal about nature that day, and found the colors of the change into night quite fascinating. By the time she gets home, the flowers she stored away in her apron have wilted, and her grandfather explains that flowers need light to live. This saddens her, and she promises not to pick them ever again.
Remind me to never eat or drink anything that kid cooks or any drinks he gets. Yuck! I actually gasped when he did that. Wow. But they really had some creative, child-like ideas in this episode - hawks "cry" because they are laughing at humans for their living too close together nature. If you don't wash your face the sun will laugh at you. And so on. I think the yodeling in the OP and ED theme is growing on me, though I hate to admit it :)
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