Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 29:
Kirari has been so busy with work, she doesn't even realize that her semester exams are coming up. SHIPS gives her the advice that she should put effort into studying - cut out snack time and instead pour over the books between shoots and other jobs. Erina overhears their conversation and decides to sabotage Kirari's attempts to study, figuring she can steal any jobs the girl might get (after she fails), and make her terribly embarrassed, too. Her plans work for the most part - Kirari blunders her way through her free time, which then affects her career. Kumoi-san is furious with her inability to focus - after all, SHIPS has double the work, yet they manage to do well in school. Hiroto and Seiji finally step in for the big push. Since Hiroto has to force his siblings to study, he turns this energy on our genki idol. In the end, Kirari passes with 80 points (you need 30 points to slide by) - ironically, since Erina has spent so much time trying to ruin Kirari, she herself only gets 0 points.

Episode 30:
If people knew that Kirari was a glutton for food, it would be very, very bad publicity; so says their always right mouse director. Because of this, the chairman and her manager forbid her from eating snacks in public. And since she's set to appear at a school festival, where food is always sure to appear, this will be hard. Fubuki's company gets word of her flaw, and hires a group of photographers to catch her in the act. As if that's not enough, a student at the school Kirari is set to go to, Takashi, seems to have crush on her - and a female student named Sakura is quite hostile towards them both. Turns out that Sakura has a crush on the boy, and really wants Kirari to teach her how to be cute. After a meaningful conversation on just being yourself, Kirari leaves to do her anticipated performance. But the "cunning" photographers set up an eating contest nearby, and the temptation becomes overwhelming for Kirari. She eventually gives in, but still looks cute and delicate while gourging, keeping her reputation safe.
Eh, I didn't find these episodes particularly interesting. Just filler stuff, and displays the ridiculous logic of the show (photographers - heaps of them - hiding in a trash can? Spontanious food eating contest?).
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