Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 39:
Kirari has been set up to fail, again! Though every other performance on Super Idol Show went perfectly fine (save for maybe Erina, whose prop elephant was destroyed), Higashiyama stole her dress design, putting their "mysterious" idol, Akane, before her in the show. Now if she goes on, it'll look like SHE copied, and that's never good. Can Kirari work through this huge problem and make her fans cheer anyway?

Episode 40:
Hiroshi's shrill voiced brother (named Kota, but I never cared enough to mention it until now) has an accident and breaks his arm. Being that their parents are rarely home (and are working abroad at the moment), and Hiroto will be gone for a few days in Hawaii, somebody has to be around for them. Kota decides that he wants Naa-san, because the feline was able to get the picky boy to eat carrots, and has excellent cleaning skills. Kirari has never been seperated from Naa-san for that long, but reluctantly agrees, feeling sorry for Hiroto's brother. However, when the time comes, can Kota let go of his new friend/stand-in mom? Can Kirari prove she is capable of doing things without the help of her beloved pet?
I really liked episode 39 because I got to see "full" performances of the character's songs (may I say that Fubuki's rock song, er... rocked? I wonder why this hasn't been put on any of the anime's CDs). Erina really makes herself out to be the "comedy relief" idol - how can anyone take you seriously when your whole song is sang on top of a elephant (well, a prop elephant run by her dog, Tantan)? She's just one big goofball.
Episode 40 was good, too, if only because we see how lonely poor Hiroto's brothers get (at least, in Kota's case) with a celebrity sibling and absent parents. Kirari can't even take a bath or do her hair without Naa-san, it seems. She's a mess when he isn't around. I wish I had some kind of super cat who would cook my meals and clean my room ;)
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