Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 45:
Naa-san has been invited as a special guest performer for the Miracle Circus, which he's all too happy to act on. Taking part is fun, but the other animals don't seem to think so. They're lazy, have little to no enthusiasm away from the spotlight, and trick Kirari into taking them to her grandma's house (where they sit in the tub, eat, and lay around to their heart's content). Refusing to go back, now Kirari and Naa-san have to be the main attractions instead.

Episode 46:
Hiroto has been more driven lately. He insists Seiji take the "front" of their performance, is annoyed when Kirari comes by with snacks and interrupts rehearsal, and gets angry when Seiji accidentally gets stuck on his leg, revealing Hiroto's fish pattern boxers. It only gets worse when Kame-san is covered with acid (probably from a soda drink of some kind, on the fault of Hiroto) and Seiji shows a very rare display of hostility. If they don't stop arguing and make up soon (they refuse to even rehearse in the same room!), their live performance will be ruined - or worse, they could disband!
Sneaking a pack of wild animals into your house, letting them eat your food and even bathe in your bathroom... wow. I'd have so many issues if someone tried to do that to me. Think of the germs! Think of the messes *shudder* Yes, I know it's just a cartoon XD
As for episode 46, it was nice to see a SHIPS centered episode. Seiji shows some very rare anger - I guess when it comes to Kame-san, he's very protective. I thought it was so sweet that Hiroto was trying so hard because he wanted to show people how much SHIPS had improved (since the last time they'd performed at that particular place), and that he thought Seiji was excellent at their craft - he shouldn't hide in the back so much anymore.
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