Kirari (voiced by Koharu Kusumi of Morning Musume!) is a middle schooler who LOVES her food. So much so that it's scary! While girls her age swoon over idols, Kirari swoons over her dad's cooking, and couldn't care less about the life of a celebrity. But when she saves the pet turtle of Seiji of pop group SHIPS and falls in love, she decides to become an idol herself so that they can be together (or so she hopes).

Episode 37:
A carefully guarded secret is revealed - Kumoi-san, or should we say Kasumi Hoshino, used to be an idol! Not only that, the chairman used to be her manager! But the poor woman's career was cut tragically short when her first concert was canceled and everything fell apart. You see, they both used to work for the Higashiyama company, but when Kasumi's manager refused to treat her like a product rather than a person, he quit and took her with him. Because of that they were punished (or rather, sabotaged by the then president and his daughter [who would later take over]) and Kasumi faded from the spotlight. Kirari and SHIPS decide to make the woman's dream become a solid reality, AND give her still-around fans the event they'd wanted all those years ago but never got.

Episode 38:
Kirari and SHIPS have been invited to take part in the Super Idol Festival (Erina is included, but only as a backup, much to her fury). More competition from Fubuki's label keep pouring in - this time it's a "mysterious" idol named Akane Minamiya. Most important of all, the 24th of that month doubles as the 3 year anniversary of SHIPS, along with Seiji's birthday. While Kirari works to design an outfit for the festival and attempts to find the perfect anniversary gifts for the boys, Erina goes from place to place to impress the officials of the event (and hopefully upgrade her second fiddle status). After bumping into Hiroto during a shopping trip, he suggests Kirari finally confess to Seiji after his birthday party. To her, it's too sudden, and for some reason doesn't feel right. Will she be able to go through with it? Will she finally find the perfect gift for Hiroto?
Awww, cute! Kumoi-san looks beautiful when she's not trying to look too "professional" (the glasses and hairdo aren't very flattering). I wish she'd just let herself be who she is - you know, but in a business suit. In a way, she also wears an idol disguise (though I can't think she'd be widely recognized, having left the biz about 10 years ago into obscurity).
We knew sooner or later Hiroto would really back Kirari into a wall about finally telling Seiji how she feels (although I think he probably knows). At least, with the interruption by Kasumi and the chairman, she's bought more time (or episodes, however you'd want to put it ^_^).
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